Did you know that we test all products before we sell them.
10 products


10 products

Did you know that we test all products before we sell them. That's why when a brand launches a new product, you won't find it immediately in our shop. 

We want to make sure that all products meet our standard so you won't have a "faux pas" in your beauty cabinet ever again. 

    10 products
    Rahua Voluminous Shampoo Blos shop
    Voluminous Shampoo
    from €11,00
    Rahua Classic Shampoo Blos shop
    Classic Shampoo
    from €11,00
    Rahua Hydration Shampoo Blos shop
    Hydration Shampoo
    from €11,00
    Rahua Enchanted Island Shampoo Blos shop
    Enchanted Island Shampoo
    from €11,00
    Rahua Dry Shampoo
    Voluminous Dry Shampoo
    John Masters Deep Moisturizing Shampoo
    Deep Moisturizing Shampoo
    John Masters
    Sold Out
    Daily Nourishing Shampoo
    John Masters
    John Masters Organics Volumizing Shampoo Blos shop
    Volumizing Shampoo
    John Masters
    John Masters Organics Scalp Stimulating Shampoo Blos shop
    Scalp Stimulating Shampoo with Spearmint & Meadowsweet
    John Masters
    The Grey Stimulating Shampoo
    Stimulating Shampoo
    The Grey